Page 186 - Pure Life 33
P. 186

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (185

                  We      have      not     yet       Grishchak  and  Zeldovich,
               encountered  a  satisfactory           1982;  Atkatz  and  Pagels,

               and self-consistent formulation        1982; Gott, 1982; Vilenkin,
               of  the  quantum  theory  of           1982; Ibid, 1983; Ibid, 1986)
               gravity      and      quantum          have  used  the  quantum

               cosmology.  (Isham  1989:              vacuum  fluctuations.  Most
               90-1)                                  of these models picture the
                  Several  theories  have             universe      as     emerging

               been  proposed  to  construct          spontaneously       from     an
               a    quantum       theory     of       empty  background  space,
               spacetime  geometry  but               and  the  model  of  Vilenkin

               there  is  still  no  proposal         (1982)      depicts     it    as
               that       the        scientific       emerging from nothing.
               community               accepts           These  models  envisage

               unanimously         as     fully       the whole  universe to be  a
               satisfactory.                          giant  quantum  mechanical
                  Nevertheless,        several        virtual  fluctuation  of  the
               models of creatio ex nihilo            vacuum.  They  assume  that

               have  been  set  forth  based          the  microstructure  of  the
               on the quantum phenomena               vacuum,  i.e:  The  state  of
               of  “vacuum  fluctuation”              lowest     possible     energy

               and “wave function”.                   density,       in     quantum
                                                      electrodynamics (QED) is a
                   1.  Vacuum Fluctuation             sea  of  continual  reactions

                      Models                          in  which  virtual  particles
               Models       developed       by        (Ref:  Weingard  (1982)  are
               (Tryon, 1973; Brout et al, 1978;
                                                      created,       and      almost
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