Page 188 - Pure Life 33
P. 188

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (187

                  conventional  laws  of              even if the system does not
                  physics. (Tryon, 1973: 396)         have  enough  energy  to

                                                      classically      attain      the
                  Tryon’s model, however,             configurations  between  the
               could  not  explain  why,              two.  This  is         possible

               given  that  the  scale  of            because      the    uncertainty
               vacuum        fluctuation     is       principle allows the electron
               typically  subatomic,  the             to  spontaneously  acquire
               universe  has  become  so              the  additional  energy  for

               large.                                 the  short  period  of  time
                  Vilenkin (1982,1983&1988)           required  for  it  to  tunnel

               proposed       an    improved          through the barrier.
               extension       of     Tryon’s            In  this  case, there is  not
               model.  He  took  the  notion          state  of  the  system  before
               of quantum tunneling from              the  tunneling,  for  the  state

               quantum  mechanics  and                of  tunneling  is  the  first
               applied  it  to  space-time            state that exists and there is
               itself.                                no  time  before  this  state.

                  Quantum  tunnelling  is  a          Then,  by  a  combination  of
               process      by     which      a       this  idea  with  the  idea  of
               quantum        system       can        the plasticity of space from

               suddenly and discontinuously           general relativity, Ibid: 2848)
               make  a  transition  from  an          claimed  that  his  version  of
               initial  configuration  to  a          the  inflationary  scenario

               final  one-  as  long  as  no          can  explain  the  spontaneous
               conservation law makes the             creation  of  the  world  from
               transformation  impossible-
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