Page 187 - Pure Life 33
P. 187
186 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
instantly are annihilated by required energy could only
their antiparticles. be borrowed for an
It is important to point extremely small period of
out that if the energy of pair time, but this short while is
creation that is “borrowed” already enough for the
from the vacuum is E=mc2, particles to appear.
then, according to the The most important
energy-time form of the model of vacuum
Uncertainly Principle these, fluctuation models is one
“virtual” particle pairs will proposed by Tryon and
be unobservable as individual developed by Vilenkin to
events so long as ∆E.∆t<h. explain creatio ex nihilo.
In other words, “such
vacuum fluctuations cannot A. The Tryon-Vilenkin Model
be observed directly, as Tryon was the first to use
they typically last for only the quantum fluctuation
about 10-21 seconds, and phenomenon to explain the
the separation between the emergence of the universe
electron and positron is out of nothing. He wrote:
typically no longer than 10- In my model, I assume
10 centimetres”. (Guth, that our Universe did
1997: 272) indeed appear from
Since the allowable nowhere about 10
“borrowed” energy is years ago. Contrary to
inversely proportional to popular belief, such an
the period of time when it event need not have
should be repaid, the violated any of the