Page 129 - Pure Life 08
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                     187  An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in the Translation of the Holy Quran

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                      14. Pearson  Education  Staff  and  Pearson  Longman
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                      15. Pickthall,  Marmaduke.,  (1987),  The  Glorious
                          Qurʾan,  3   ed.  New  York:  Mustazafin
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                      17. Qarai,  Sayyid  Ali  Quli.,  (2005),  The  Qur’an
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                      18. Slepchenko,     Natalia.,    (2010),     Teaching
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                      19. Tabarsi,  Abu  Ali  al-Fadl  bin  Husain.,
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                          Qur'an, Dar-u-Ihya'-it- Turath-il' Arabi, Beirut,
                      20. Tabatabai,  Seyyid  Mohammad  Husayn.,  (1397
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