Page 131 - Pure Life 08
P. 131

                    185  An Explanatory Model of Word Selection in the Translation of the Holy Quran

                     Based  on  findings  of  the  article  and  the  table
                  above,  the  preferred  translation  for  Chapter  Al-
                  Fātiha is as following:
                      1.  In the name of Allah, the All- merciful, the
                      2.  All praise  belongs  to  Allah, the  Lord  of  all
                         the Worlds.
                      3.  the All-merciful, the Gracious.
                      4.  the Master of the Day of Judgment.
                      5.  Thee (only) we worship and Thee (only) we
                         ask for help.
                      6.  Guide us to the Straight Path;
                      7.  the path of those You have blessed, who are
                         neither subject to wrath, nor gone astray.

                     This  case  study  can  be  used  as  an  example  to
                  improve further works about Qur'an translation, by
                  bilingual  and  multilingual  scholars,  who  work  on
                  Islamic sudies in English.
                     This study has not gone beyond literal meaning
                  of the words, to the extent possible, and therefore
                  the  circumstances  of  revelation  of  every  single
                  verse and its variable interpretations have not been
                  mentioned.  However,  further  researches  can  be
                  done in the field of interpretation or other  lexical
                  and rhetorical aspects of the Qur'anic verses.
                     Also, it can be done, whether in this way or not,
                  through the other chapters of the Holy Qur'an.
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