Page 140 - Pure Life 08
P. 140

176  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)

                     Thus,  the  plural  form  of  word  shows  which
                  meaning of the root is meant right in the sentence.
                  For example, if the plural form of the word amr is
                  umuûr it means the 'issue', but if the plural form of
                  it is awâmir it means the 'order' and, etc. Besides,
                  the noun of the verb nabudu that is always used in
                  Qur'an is abd as singular, and ibâd as plural.
                     Accordingly, the word abd and nabudu refers to
                  worship,  not  serve  or  slavery.  Because  if  it  was
                  meant by, the plural form of abd should have been
                  abid in Qur’an, not ibâd which means worshipers .
                  Moreover, as long as the second pronoun 'Thee' is
                  referring to God, it must be capitalized.
                     Sometime the stem of Arabic verb is formed by
                  prefixing sta-, which is called istif’al form of verb.
                  The  meaning  this  form  imparts  is  to  ask  or  think
                  that the sense of form I should be done.
                     For  examples  istaktaba-  to  ask  someone  to
                  write- or ista’âne- to ask someone to help: derived
                  from  awn  which  means  help,  aid,  assistance,
                  baking, boost, etc.  But since the 'ask for help' is a
                  typical collocation in English, and people don’t say
                  'I  ask  for  an  aid!',  so,  for  the  sake  of
                  communication,  it  seems  'Thee  (only)  we  ask  for
                  help ' could be a better translation.

                  1. Abobaker; Brakhw; Zarirruddin; Shaik Ismail, 2012.
                  3. Pickthall, 1987.
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