Page 138 - Pure Life 08
P. 138

178  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)


                     It is noteworthy that the verb ihdina (guide) used
                  as a ditransitive verb which takes two objects, with
                  and without preposition in Arabic. But in English
                  we need preferably to add some preposition.
                     There  are  a  couple  of  prepositions  which  are
                  used  with  the  verb  'guide'  in  English  Language
                  (like: into, in, to, through, towards and along), but
                  the most common usage in Bible is the preposition
                  'to'.  Here  is  Google’s  search  results  about  the
                  different prepositions of the verb 'guide':
                                 Collocation                   Frequency
                         Guide us to the Straight Path         5,490,000
                        Guide us into the Straight Path          9,000
                       Guide us toward the Straight Path          780

                     Observing  the  meaning  of  hidayah  and  sırat
                  which  convey  the  meaning  of  kindly  guidance  it
                  seems 'through' could be a better selection, even if
                  no one happened to use it before, in the reviewed
                  Qur'an translations.
                     The  word  sırat  means  a  track,  way,  path  or
                  direction.  So,  it’s  more  general  than  physical  or
                  mental way in Arabic.

                  1. See: Bible, 1964.
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